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Privacy Policy

This document outlines why Levitt Robinson may gather personal information from you, how it will be handled and how you may request access to the personal information we have on file. Levitt Robinson adheres to the National Privacy Principles, as described in the Privacy Act 1988 (amended).


1. Collection


Levitt Robinson will only seek to collect necessary personal information from you or your authorised representatives in order to fulfil our legal obligations whilst we are acting as your representatives.
Personal information is information or an opinion provided by you that your identity can be ascertained or discerned from (eg: home or business address, date of birth, phone number etc).


2. Use of Personal Information

Levitt Robinson will use this information for the purpose of:

  • Acting as your legal representatives during the course of your current and any future matters;

  • Communication, both written and verbal, during the course of your current and future matters;


For any reason directly related to the service we are providing to you.
*Please note that this may involve disclosing your information to a third party.


Levitt Robinson may also use your personal information for the secondary purpose of:


  • Communicating information that you may find of interest;

  • Informing you of changes in the law that may effect you;

  • Informing you of seminars and events that Levitt Robinson is associated


  • Statistical purposes



3. Disclosure of Personal Information


Levitt Robinson will only use your personal information for the purposes listed in this statement or any directly related purpose. Levitt Robinson will not trade, sell or lease your information. In some circumstances, we may be required to pass on information about you to particular third parties. The most likely entities to which we may provide information include:


3.1. Barristers and Experts


In matters where it is necessary for us to obtain an opinion from a barrister or an expert, we will disclose to such persons all information held by us which is relevant to your matter, in order to obtain such an opinion.


3.2. Professional or Trade Associations


If you are a member of a professional or trade association, and that association has referred you to us for the provision of legal services, we will disclose to such association the fact that we are acting for you in a matter in order to obtain any required documentation or information from the association.

In relation to direct marketing we will, where practical, attempt to seek your consent before we use your information. Should you at any stage wish to cease receiving information regarding the services we provide, including articles that may be of interest to you, please contact our office.


4. Access and Alterations to your Personal Information


Except in a few unusual circumstances provided for in the NPPs, you are able to gain access to any personal information which we may hold about you. Should you wish to obtain access to such information, please contact us.


Please note that there may be a fee for supplying the information and/or documentation to you. This fee will be calculated as an estimate of the cost to reimburse us for the expense of retrieving and/or copying the information or documentation. Wherever possible, we will advise you of the amount of this fee before retrieval of the information and/or documentation.


We will endeavour to respond to your request for access as soon as possible. However, our response time will depend upon the type or amount of information requested and how the information is held by us.


5. Security of your Personal Information


Levitt Robinson takes reasonable steps to ensure the security of your personal information from unauthorised access, theft or modification. In most cases, your personal information is held by us in electronic format, and online security measures are in place, such as password protection, to ensure that only authorised employees have access to your information.


6. Feedback on the handling of your Personal Information


Should you be unsatisfied in the manner in which Levitt Robinson has handled your personal information please contact the person looking after your matter, then if you are still unhappy (or feel you are unable to discuss the problem with the person looking after your matter) please contact the office administration manager who will investigate your concerns and contact you to discuss the matter. We will take all necessary steps to investigate and address your concerns.


If the issue you have raised is not solved to your satisfaction you should contact the Federal Privacy Commissioner at:


Office of the Federal Privacy Commissioner Level 8, Piccadilly Tower
133 Castlereagh Street



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